Finding time for self-care after having a baby is essential for your mental well-being and finding the right balance in life with a newborn. It will not only help to ensure you are happier in yourself, but it will make you a better partner and an even better mother! As a new mum, you need to make sure you are well - both physically and emotionally. This means eating well, getting some sleep and having a break away from your baby every now and then.
It is easy to make the excuse that there is no time for these things but I highly recommend that you make the time. You don't need to do them all at once but make time for one or two each day.
The following list will hopefully provide you with some inspiration for how you can look after your well-being in those first few weeks.
1. Take a bath - Before having my baby I was never really been much of a bath lover. However, after giving birth and getting home from hospital my mindset changed dramatically. I had a vaginal delivery resulting in a number of stitches due to tearing and having a bath was an ideal way to help keep that area clean and free from infection. In the warm water I dissolved only bath salts that are safe to use for post partum recovery. I found having a bath a very relaxing and soothing experience. It is a perfect way to have a few moments to yourself in those early days after getting home with your newborn.
2. Go for a short walk alone - A ten minute walk outside in the fresh air on your own can work wonders for your well-being. It gives you a chance to reconnect with your thoughts and gain some perspective on the big changes happening in your life. A short walk will also improve your mood and raise your energy levels, helping to reduce tiredness from many sleepless nights.
3. Have a shower and get dressed every morning - While it might sound simple, starting your day with a shower and getting dressed is extremely satisfying and helps you feel like you've started the day off with your s#!% together. Make sure you have your partner or whoever else at home to hold the baby so you can achieve both of these things before they leave for the day. Having a shower and getting dressed will give you a sense of energy to spend the day tending to your newborn. You also may not get a chance to do either of these later in the day.
4. Eat well - Nutrition is extremely important for a new mum. What a woman chooses to eat in the early days postpartum plays a big role in her mood and helping to overcome the physical demands of breastfeeding and sleep deprivation on her body. Ensure you choose foods that are nourishing and that you enjoy. Eating good healthy meals will help you to feel healthier and happier in yourself.
5. Hydrate - It is incredibly important that new mums drink lots of water, especially if they are breast feeding as it helps to ensure adequate milk production. While I was breast feeding I found I was extremely thirsty all the time so I made sure I always had a water bottle handy.
6. Sleep when your baby sleeps - As a new mum, it is likely you will be awake when your baby is awake so try to grab a nap during the day when your baby is also sleeping. Sleep is important for our healing bodies after giving birth and is also essential for our mental and physical wellbeing.
7. Enjoy a cup of tea and your favourite show/podcast - In the early couple of weeks you will find there is a lot of time sitting on the couch or in your feeding chair while your baby is feeding or napping on you. Enjoy this time while you have it and put on one of those Netflix shows you've been meaning to watch or a podcast you've wanted to listen to.
8. Be patient and kind to yourself - A new mum can get so caught up in the busyness of raising a little human and forget to look out for herself. It is important to be able to recognise the signs of postnatal depression or 'baby blues' which is common in many women after having a baby. For some women it can worsen over time and last for months. New mums need to take the time to practice self-compassion, to look after herself by making time for some of the activities listed above and ensuring she recognises the enormous physical, emotional and mental changes she has just been through. All in all, new mums need to remember to be kind to themselves!